St John’s Churt and Rushmoor

Services at St John’s:

19th May      9.45am Holy Communion (CW)

26th May      9.45am Holy Communion (CW)
Trinity Sunday

2nd June 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Holy Communion (CW)

9th June Fete Sunday
9.45am Celebration Holy Communion

6.00pm Choral Evensong led by
the Choir of St Thomas on the Bourne

16th June 9.45am Holy Communion (CW)

23rd June 9.45am Holy Communion (CW)

30th June 9.45am Holy Communion (CW)
with Baptism



St. John was a remarkable man. He was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. John’s gospel paints images of Jesus and gives us unique details of their relationship that are not seen anywhere else in the Bible.

Family – It was John who Jesus trusted to care for his mother after he died. Showing us the importance of our responsibility to care for our family.

Friendship – when all the other disciples had abandoned Jesus, it was John who was a faithful friend during challenging times.

Loved – Lastly, John refers to himself as the disciple Jesus loved. John accepted Jesus’s love and reciprocated it. John learnt from Jesus how to accept the love of God and how to use it to truly love others.

At St. John’s Church we desire to have the same aims – family, friendship and most importantly to live life loved. 

See our vision page for more information.