Special needs 

St. John’s Church is committed to making everyone feel included and welcome. We do all we can to accommodate and support those with special needs or disabilities.

Access information for St. John’s Church building

Please have a read of our Access Information document that you can download here. Or, pick one up from St. John’s Church.

Melbreck care home

Melbreck House is a care home for the severely disabled. It cares for around 25 residents and provides 24-7 care. There are recreational activity facilities on site and sports trainers visit to give specialist help. The residents are also taken to day centres and outings are arranged to local attractions and the coast.

Adrian and Pam Martin are the official St. John's visitors to Melbreck. The Ministry officiates at the Christmas service for residents and their relatives.

For further information about our ministry at Melbreck House please contact Pam Martin.

Pam Martin https://t5media.wufoo.com/forms/?formname=ziedamq0tos6qv&field7=Melbreck%20Care%20Home">Email

Pam Martin